Should we be afraid of Lord Shani?

This is Kaliyuga! These modern times are filled with sin and unchastity. And in this unchaste era, people are chasing amenities like internet, television, airplanes, trains, computers and so on, in pursuit of happiness! However, happiness and peace are going further and further away from man.
Happiness and Peace
In this melee, people in India often blame Shani for their troubles. Shani is Saturn, the planet which shows no mercy for sins committed. No wonder, people seem to guess who is holding the stick!
Why fear Shani?
People seem to be more afraid of Shani than of the punishment he metes out. But, contrary to mass opinion, Shani may be more easily pleased than he would have you believe. The truth is that by his apparent strict behaviour, he is only controlling further bad behavior, in addition to freeing them of the burden of sin.
How devotion to Shani helps
In fact, expressing one’s devotion to Lord Shani helps to solve all problems pertaining to the body, family, society, mind, finances and occupation.
The spectre of Saade Saathi
One of the foremost reasons why Shani is feared is “Sade Saathi” – or the seven-year (not itch) period of suffering. Sade Saathi is also known by the names Shanichari, Musibathi, Aafath, etc. The moment one’s astrological chart foretells the arrival of this scary period, one goes into a defeatist mode! This is because Saade Saathi has the reputation of being a tough time, when everything seems to go wrong!
Many times in a lifetime
Saade Saathi appears more than once in every person’s lifetime. It is identifiable as the phase when nothing goes right and terrible misfortunes strike. You either cannot get married or have marital problems; you either lose a job or lose interest in working; and so on.
Astro charts
In the astro-charts of many astrological texts planet Shani has been given the place of the planet of sorrow. This may be true only up to an extent and in certain aspects. It is shown that Shani, soon after his birth, showed a glimpse of his nature to his father, Surya. Shani creates Sade Saathi because he symbolises righteousness and justice and makes people pay for their karma.
Movement of planets
Sade Saathi lasts a period of 7-and-a-half years. Shani takes 30 years to traverse all the 12 planets. He stays 2 and ½ years in one ‘rasi’ or sun sign. When the planet, aspects the lord of the house, then the good benefits are derived. In the garland of planets, God Shani is called ‘Chaya Martand’
Chaya Graha
When ‘Chaya Grah’ the star passes through a house, that star sign’s previous star’s sign and the next star sign is troubled. That is ‘Chaya Grah’. This belief is accepted in Sade Saathi. When Shani passes through the 12th house of the birth chart for the second time, then it is called as Sade Saathi
The 3 Houses
Shani stays in a house for 2 and ½ years. This way, God Shani’s transit through 3 houses is called Sade Saathi. (2 and ½ x 3= 7and ½). Therefore, this patch of 7and1/2 years is known to bring suffering, sorrows and misfortune. This is known by people as Sade Saathi.
Moon Sign
In the birth chart of the moon sign, when there is Shani behind and ahead, till then, it is called Sade Saathi. In the normal course, the effects of Sade Saathi are common to all creatures. Then, whether they are saints, commoners, great people, spiritualists, Gods or godly people, all have the same effect on them. Whether it is King Veer Vikramaditya or Nala Damayanti or people of all kinds, the effect of it is the same on all.
Rasi and Saade Saathi
Whichever Rasi has Sade Saathi, on that day’s previous Rasi when Shani is upon it, then it is called Ascendant Sade Saathi. Ascendant Sade Saathi for some in the middle and for some in the end as Descendant Sade Saathi is favourable.
Any Solution?
Any solution sought for Shani during Sade Saathi has minimal effect. It is as if the period has to be undergone. But once one has walked through this trial of fire, there are very good times waiting for us. That’s how fair Shani is. So, in effect, Shani is healping us eran the rewards by making us suffer for our own bad karmas.
3 parts
As per astrology, Shani’s Sade Saathi is understood in three parts. One is from Lagna, the other is from Moon and the third is from Sun.
Once every 30 years
Over a period of thirty years, every chart is affected by Sade Saathi once, whether he is a lion or a king. Sade Saathi touches every birth chart. The Moon’s aspected Sade Saathi is accepted in north India. In the chart, where the moon is seen one house before and one house after, till then there will be the effect of Shani. For example, till Aries and Taurus , there will be the effect of Sade Saathi.
Misery like no other
In Sade Saathi,a great deal of misery, trouble, fearsome disease, excess sorrow, loss of money, blame, insult, illness, imprisonment etc are undergone. By taking the help of ‘Vedic Vidhi’ and the mantras, penance etc the fearful effects of Sade Saathi can be reduced, but only marginally. In brief, Sade Saathi or seven and half years of God Shani put the normal life of man into great distress.
Pronounced Saade Saathi
This is the direct result of Sade Saathi that normal, ongoing work comes to a stand still. The desire of students to study goes away. And people who are looking for a job go further on and on in this quest. In the birth chart, if Shani is exalted, powerfully placed then the Sade Saathi will be that much more pronounced. Which means, there will be a great loss of wealth.
King as well as pauper
Both kings as well as paupers experience Sade Saathi. Raja Harishchandra, though troubled by this phase in his legendary life, did not abandon the truth till the end. Only then, was Shani pleased. Indeed, Shani restored to him his throne and gave him progeny and wealth.
How to survive the ordeal?
The best way to survive Sade Saathi is to turn inwards, pray and discover one’s inner reserves of strength. The role of Shani is only to cleanse us of our sins and bring us closer to the Divine. There are not only spiritual rewards, but material rewards too waiting for us after the ordeal is over…
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